Tuesday, March 18, 2008


In looking at the different WIKI sites what I found interesting was that WIKI'S are/can be a work in progress. Forever changing with new and different info. on them.
Re: Teachers/Faculty banning students from using Wikipedia for research...Yes the Web is GREAT as a resource. BUT, doing the actual footwork to look is essential.Believe it or not, there is information out there that is not on the Web.
As for editing a WIKI...I tried an entry on our very own 23 Things on a Stick .No SUERTE! ( I LOVE using these colors ) . I couldn't figure it out. My computor ignorance rearing it's ugly head again. Unlike the PUZZLES (where I wouldn't/couldn't give up), I can't see myself going on Wiki's and editing them. Then I tried SANDBOX, and it wouldn't cooperate with me either.
Overall, I think Wiki's are a very good concept for a site that constantly (or not) needs to be edited. I also like the idea that anyone can edit the site.

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